Issue 14: February 2018

In addition to the regular New York services, Concorde was used for charter flights all over the world. In this issue we look at one of the most popular British Airways charters – the Christmas trips to see Santa Claus in Lapland, which took place every year from 1984 to 1999.

For the guests, the charter flights to Rovaniemi in Finland were the ultimate family treat. For the crew and tour organisers, however, it was a challenge to take Concorde to this cold, remote Arctic location. Colin Mitchell, former Director of tour operator Goodwood Travel, and David Macdonald, former BA flight engineer, recall how they planned and ran the yearly visits.

Also in this issue, contributing editor Nigel Ferris gives us an overview of Concorde’s fly-by-wire system. In addition, we have updates about the Concordes at Heathrow and at Orly Airport in Paris, plus exciting news about the French Concorde simulator, shortly to go on display in Toulouse.

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Mach 2 magazine Feb 2018